Published Jul 19, 2022


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Cesar Augusto Giraldo Giraldo



Promoting equity leads to redistribution, which renders ineffective the discourse of focusing social spending on the poor. It is argued that the poor must have access to human capital in order to benefit from the gains of economic growth, but this is being denied during the 21st century by the professional middle classes who express their frustration in the streets. In the case of the urban popular sectors, they have not been recognized because their economy is considered illegal (informal), despite the fact that it is an extensive and diverse world in which most workers generate income and at the same time supply cities with the main goods and services necessary for their biological, social and economic reproduction. Workers in the popular economy have an inferior social hierarchy, even compared to other workers: the product of their work is not valued, and their actors are not taken into account in the construction of public policies. For these sectors, which are seen through the prism of poverty, it is not a matter of exercising philanthropy, which reaffirms the condition of inequality, because it assumes that there must be two economically and socially opposed extremes: the one who gives and the one who receives. What must be done is to rescue solidarity and recognize the knowledge, practices and hierarchies of the communities. In the territory, people are solving their basic needs, which refer to care, food and housing. These are activities associated with social reproduction that are mainly carried out by women. Reproductive work becomes essential because the pandemic put the defense of life before any mercantile consideration.


equity, equal opportunities, popular economy, recognition, solidarity, productive and reproductive workclave:equidad, igualdad de oportunidades, economía popular, reconocimiento, solidaridad, trabajo productivo y reproductivo

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How to Cite
Giraldo Giraldo, C. A. . (2022). Equity: The Fight Against Poverty is not Enough. Papel Político, 26.
Dossier Especial Renta Básica, editado por: Esteban Nina