Opinion Leaders in the Colombian Press: A Methodology for the Systemic Analysis of Frames
Opinion leaders are key actors in the process of formation of public opinion. They are elites that popularize shared interpretations or frames about issues in the public agenda. The paper examines the design of a methodology for the systematic processing of framings in opinion columns and offers preliminary conclusions on the process of construction around key topics of national interest. For that purpose (I) we present a model of research on framing from a public opinion perspective; (II) introduce a methodology for the processing of public opinion columns with the technology of Global News Intelligence News Control™; (III) present the results of a two-month analysis of 1,162 columns and 18,004 positions published in the 10 printed and digital media most read by opinion leaders in Colombia; and (IV) present some conclusions about the methodology of analysis and the preliminary results, and put forward a research agenda.
How to Cite
Giraldo, J. F., & Montealegre, C. (2013). Opinion Leaders in the Colombian Press: A Methodology for the Systemic Analysis of Frames. Papel Político, 18(1), 115–144. Retrieved from https://revistas.javeriana.edu.co/index.php/papelpol/article/view/6348
Political Science