Published Jun 13, 2019


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Víctor Mejía Ticona



This paper is about the architecture of the five movie theaters in Lima that operate as a single cinema room, along two different moments. The first one is the boom of the architectonic typology in the mid 20th century, when the movie theaters built in the city reached a point of greater urban, social, and building transcendence. After their decline in the 1970s and 1980s, the second moment reviewed herein is the recent past years and current overview. In the last decades, those old movie theaters have undergone dissimilar destinies: abandonment, use change or demolition. The photographic work by Antar Giacomotti was used to link both moments. By the end of the 1950s, he did a complete record of the movie theater facades in Lima. This material was exhibited in 2008 presentation, where his pictures were complemented with recent shots taken under similar framings. These twofold pieces evinced the passing of time, the city transformation and the worrying condition of these buildings nowadays. Revaluing his photographic archive will allow to rethink how important the image is when it comes to build the history as well as to analyze both the present and the future of the typology.


movie theater, Lima, boom, Antar Giacomotti, presentsalas de cine, Lima, apogeo, Antar Giacomotti, presente

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How to Cite
Mejía Ticona, V. (2019). Movie Theaters in Lima: From the Boom to Present. Presence and Image of the Single Movie Theater in the City. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 31(2).