Published Jun 10, 2020


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Patricia Silvana San Martín Florit

Guillermo Luján Rodríguez Cerrutti

Gonzalo Darío Andrés Manzotti

Guillermo Omar Decoppet Cabrera

Natalia Gabriela Monjelat Bladinich

Marisa Andrea Cenacchi Viamonte



This article presents an analytical multidimensional model, the Dispositivo Hipermedial Dinámico (DHD) Creativa Monumento, intended to provide sustainability processes of raising awareness on the heritage. This model aims to contribute to the analysis of the conditions in the co-construction and sustainability of a, non-excluding, participatory social-technical network in the context of a situated heritage context. The methodology herein interrelated four projects under a social-technical approach and was designed in three stages. First, it provides a re-study of two cases related to the regional cultural heritage with wide community participation. Next, it turns to the work of designing a model. Next, after such model a process is outlined for co-construction and sustaining actions of a social-technical network, taking the particular case of the National Monument to the Flag. Finally, the conclusion provides a reflection on how to keep thinking about the sustainability of the DHD Creativa Monumento, considering the complex relations and sociopolitical and institutional tensions widely disclosed by the technologies and resources available to the media.


patrimonio cultural, modelo de sostenibilidad, redes sociotécnicas, educación patrimonial, Monumento Histórico Nacional a la Banderacultural heritage, sustainability model, social-technical networks, heritage education, National Monument to the Flag

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How to Cite
San Martín Florit, P. S., Rodríguez Cerrutti, G. L., Andrés Manzotti, G. D., Decoppet Cabrera, G. O., Monjelat Bladinich, N. G., & Cenacchi Viamonte, M. A. (2020). DHD-Creativa monumento”: A Proposal for a Multidimensional Model to Develop Processes of Raising Awareness on the Heritage. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 32(2).