Published Apr 13, 2021


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Katherine González Vargas



This work aims to analyze an industrial heritage project that included processes of rehabilitation, recovery and recycling and was carried out by Peter Latz (1990-2000). Two study questions arose thereof, and led to a case analysis: Why is it important to preserve a factory when it is not in use any more? And, which are the positive contributions of recovering the industrial heritage to save the environment and collective identity? This way, the main objective was to understand the positive contributions of reconverting the industrial heritage in order to save the environment and collective identity. To do the analysis of this industrial heritage project, the conceptual line of the Sustainability Wheel was used as provided in the books Versus: Heritage for Tomorrow. Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture (Correia et al., 2014) and Verb List Compilation: Actions to Relate to Oneself (Serra, 1967). Finally, the results show that the industrial heritage is visible today, with some heritage elements reconverted into other uses such as high furnaces, gasometers or extraction headframes now being used culturally. Then people can go down these factories making a 400 km tour along the Ruhr basin, which allows an interaction with the population who develops a historic recognition process and appropriates the current status of the structures in the industrial park with its new functions (Koch y González, 2018).


reconversión, rehabilitación, puesta en valor, sostenibilidad, cambio de usoreconversion, rehabilitation, gain value, sustainability, use change

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How to Cite
González Vargas, K. . (2021). Other Territories through the Industrial Landscape. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 33.