Published Apr 13, 2021


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Viviana Leonardi

Silvina Elías

Patricia Audino



After the definitive inclusion of Argentina in the international division of labour around 1880, the British capital took a very important place in the creation of a large railway network. In this context Ingeniero White, founded as a port district, was closely related to the British capital company Ferrocarril del Sud that by September 1885 put in operation an iron wharf where the railways routes arrived. It also received the first wave of immigrants in 1911 when there was an attempt to move its location to the inland. This development process allowed both the Bahía Blanca Port and the Ingeniero White District to embrace a diversity of cultural components so historically meaningful for the local society. However, the emergence of a dynamics of disinterest in the heritage by some political and economic actors (Pinassi, 2018) has led to a decay process that, in turn, encouraged complaints and projects intended to preserve this cultural heritage associated with the railway-port activities. Therefore, to preserve the heritage and counteract those events that endangered it, a group of neighbors started in 1987 an initiative to create the Museo del Puerto, the first port museum in the Ingeniero White District. Later in 2003, Ferrowhite was set up and located in the building that was once the repair shop of the power station General San Martín.

This work seeks to analyze the role played by the museums in the Ingeniero White District regarding the preservation of the port heritage. To do so, it examines the different strategies carried out by these museums in order to enable the staging of the historic testimony in each cultural property, raise awareness among the public opinion, contribute to the cultural education of the local community, and strengthen the identity.


port heritage, museums, new museology, heritage preservationpatrimonio portuario, museos, nueva museología, preservación del patrimonio

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How to Cite
Leonardi, V. ., Elías, S., & Audino, P. . (2021). Museums as a Tool for Activating the Port Heritage in the Ingeniero White District (Argentina). Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 33.