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Germán Ferro Medina


The following article is part of a set of guidelines developed cultural observation and assessment by the author, which werealready published five of them, Town and cemeteries in the 22-1 issue dedicated to the cultural routes and landscapes, shrinesand offices in 23-1 dedicated to art and architecture in the second half of the twentieth century and the District 23-2 in theedition devoted to intangible heritage. For this edition the author proposes two new guides comment on the Feast and HolyWeek, the last of which is complemented with an ethnographic work, interpret the result of a price list contained in a visit toHoly Week in Mompox.These guides are working tools in an effort to propose a methodology for the identification and recognition of cultural heritagein an educational exercise which reflects the experience of several social science disciplines. The guidelines are based horizonanalysis of historical, geographical and cultural sense they make art and architectural theme of this edition.

Métodos de análise, gestão, avaliação de fontes, feriados, Páscoa, etnografia, Mompox, Palavras-chave descritores, Valores culturais, Jejuns e festas, Semana da Páscoa - Mompos (Bolivar, Colômbia).Métodos de análisis, valoración, manejo de fuentes, fiestas, Semana Santa, etnografía, Mompox. - Descriptores, Valores culturales, Festividades religiosas, Semana Santa - Mompós (Bolivar, Colombia).Methods of analysis, evaluation, management of sources, holidays, Easter, ethnography, Mompox, Keywords plus, Cultural values, Fasts and feasts, Holy week - Mompos (Bolivar, Colombia).

How to Cite
Ferro Medina, G. (2011). y semana santa Guides for cultural observation and valuation: festivals and holly week. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 24(2). Retrieved from