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Lila Oriard Colin


The practices of urban heritage conservation which focus primarly in the beautification of a neighborhood can promote a modificationin the social and economic local structures. In this case, the loss of social diversity and the specialization of the localeconomy can transform the neighborhood into an “exclusive” place which serves only to one group: the tourists. To combat thistendency to produce city-museums from the traditional neighborhoods, it is necessary to identify those tangible and intangibleelements that contribute to maintain the physical structure as well as the different social categories of residents and theireveryday practices related to space. When trading in the streets serves mainly to residents and it participates to widen therange of products and diversify the forms of vending, its conservation as part of the urban space can contribute to maintainthe qualities of a neighborhood as a place “for all”.

Comercio-callejero, conservación, patrimonio-urbano, barrio tradicional, producción del espacio. - Descriptores, Espacio urbano, Desarrollo urbano - Aspectos sociales, Patrimonio cultural.Rua de comércio, conservação do património urbano, bairro tradicional, a produção do espaço, Palavras-chave descritores, Espaço público, Desenvolvimento urbano – Social, Patrimônio cultural.Street-trade, conservation, urban heritage, traditional neighborhood, production of space, Keywords plus, Urban space, Urban development - Social aspects, Cultural heritage.

How to Cite
Oriard Colin, L. (2011). Against the city museum: the role of street trading for urban heritage conservation in traditional neighborhoods. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 24(2). Retrieved from