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Mário Mendonza de Oliveira


It's presented, initially, the causes that determine the advent of the conservation science only some time after the awakening of the preservationist conscience. It's established that this scientific knowledge is vital in the conservation of the material that forms the artifacts of cultural interest. It shows, secondly, the first European movements towards the scientific conservation of works of art and the main protagonists of this movement. After that it's approached the systematic formation of the conservators-restaurateurs in Brazil and how it's been developed up to now, emphasizing the role of the investigation in this formation. It's also emphasized the important role that the universities may play, especially in developing countries. To exemplify, it's pointed out the role that the NTPR (Núcleo de Tecnologia da Preservação e da Restauração) from the Federal University of Bahia has been performing in its Post Graduate program in restoration and conservation of monuments and historic sites.


Restauradores - Formación profesional - Brasil, Conservadores - Formación profesional - Brasil, Metodología en conservación y restauración - Enseñanza - BrasilRestorers - Professional education - Brazil, Conservators - Professional education - Brazil, Conservation and restoration - methodology - study and teaching - Brazil

How to Cite
Mendonza de Oliveira, M. (2006). The scientific knowledge vital for the conservation - restoration professional. The Brazilian case. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 19(1). Retrieved from