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Magic Garden


We developed a cartography that questions the maps from the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and SantaCatalina that simplify their image representing them as empty and isolated islands. We use visual archeology as anexcavation methodology to study photographs of abandoned objects to draw a graphic chart of representation of theisland of San Andres. This perspective allows us to account for the day by day in the landscape and to integrate thatwhich inhabits the islands in everyday life. We conclude with a reflection on the role of open reasearch as a way toestablish links for communication and knowledge appropriation.

Carta gráfica, arqueología visual, investigación abierta, cultura material, isla, archipiélago, San Andrés, Descriptores, Isla de San Andrés (Colombia)-Mapas, vida cotidiana-Aspectos socioculturales-Isla de San Andrés (Colombia), participación comunitariaCarta gráfica, arqueologia visual, investigação aberto, cultura material, ilha, arquipélago, San Andrés, Palavras-chave descritores, Ilha de San Andres (Colômbia)-Maps, aspectos sócio-culturais da vida cotidiana da ilha de San Andres (Colômbia), o envolviGraphic chart, visual archeology, open research, material culture, island, archipelago, San Andrés, Keywords plus, San Andres Island (Colombia)-Maps, everyday-life socio-cultural aspects of San Andres Island (Colombia), community involvement

How to Cite
Garden, M. (2013). Magic Garden. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 26(1). Retrieved from