Published Jun 29, 2016

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Patricia Amigot

Margot Pujal i Llombart


The aim of this paper is to analyse the use of online platforms of people affected by chronic pain without organic cause. This is an emergent and growing malaise in globalized, technologized, western societies, that affects women in 90% of the cases). This malaise has been captured on the clinical category of fibromialgia. The study begins in the studies of biopower and the medicalization of experience, and the gender perspective in health. We ask if online platforms are sufficient to facilitate subjective agencement processes, that make possible a significant corporal, subjective, social and political transformation. We do this from a qualitative methodological approach. Our data source are the interactions in four different blogs and online forums. The results and discussions tackle the recovery and later symbolization of the conflictive experience in the forums, as its reach and limits regarding agencement processes.

agencement, online platform, gender perspective, medicalization, biopower, discourse analysis, fibromyalgiaagenciamiento, plataforma virtual, perspectiva de género, medicalización, biopoder, análisis discurso, fibromialgia

How to Cite
Amigot, P., & Pujal i Llombart, M. (2016). Demedicalization of the Experience of Pain in Women: Uses of Virtual Platforms and Subjective Agencement Processes. Universitas Psychologica, 14(5), 1551–1568.