Spanish version of the revised restraint scale: psychometric properties in an adolescent sample
The revised restraint scale (RS) it is a psychometric instrument for measuring chronic alimentary restraint. Aim: To obtain reliability measures and factorial structure of a Spanish RS version in an adolescent sample. Materials and Methods: 838 adolescents female students (15.48 y.) completed the instrument. An exploratory (i.e. principals components, oblique rotation) and confirmatory factorial analysis was performed over the RS scores. Results: Both RS sub-scales shown appropriate reliability, although item 9 achieved low corrected homogeneity (r<.3). After exploratory factorial analysis two correlated factors (Diet Concern and Weight Fluctuations) emerged, explaining 55.76% of the variance. Confirmatory analyses yielded moderate fit of the hypothetic bifactorial structure. Conclusions: The Spanish RS version shows a bifactorial structure and good reliability levels in adolescent sample.
revised restraint scale, adolescent, restrained eaters, principal, components analysis, descriptive study by surveyescala revisada de restricción, adolescentes, dietantes crónicos, análisis de componentes principales, estudio descriptivo mediante encuesta