The journal counts with a type of assessment of double blinded peer review, in which the name of the authors, the peers reviewers, along with their institutional filiations, are kept in confidentiality, as a way of guarding objetivity and impartiality to assess the manuscripts.
When a submission is made, the Editorial Comittee make an inicial assessment of it, evaluating that the manuscript fulfill the minimum quality rules according to the guidelines of the journal. If the paper is approved by them, the document is assigned to peers reviewers experts on its topic.
The decision of accepting, modifying or rejecting an article depends of the editorial committee, made by national and international researchers known in multiple psychology fields, which takes into account the external peers reviews. The editorial committee assesses and judges all the papers, taking into account that each manuscript must fulfill the general criteria: precision, completeness, clarity, simplicity, contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the discipline, and interest for the journal.
The final decision of the article consists of: accepted, recommended for publication with changes (if the recommendations are not followed between the period of time designated , the articles will be rejected) or rejected.
The assessment will be issued based on the following criteria, which are evaluated on a qualitative scale for each section of the article: (1) Acceptable; (2) Unacceptable; (3) Not included.
The sections to evaluate with this scale are:
- Title
- Abstract
- Objective of the study
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- References