Publicado may 22, 2017


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Leonardo Sampaio Leo



Previous studies have showed development in perspective-taking abilities and empathy along childhood, and suggested the existence of relationships between these variables and aspects of culture. The study presented here investigated the relationship between empathy and role-taking in a sample composed by American and Brazilian children, aged 6 to 13. The method involved the administration of the Index of Empathy for Children and Adolescent – IECA (Bryant, 1982) and one Role-taking task. Results showed that American children scored higher in Role-taking than Brazilian participants. On the other hand, Brazilian children scored higher in empathy than American participants. Results are discussed considering previous cross-cultural studies on social and cognitive development.


Children, Empathy, Role-taking, Brazil, USAchildren, empathy, role-taking, United States of America, Brazil

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Cómo citar
Leo, L. S. (2017). Un estudio transcultural: empatía y la toma de perspectiva en niños brasileños y estadounidenses. Universitas Psychologica, 16(1).