Published Feb 13, 2019


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Julián Mauricio Botero-Londoño

Arnulfo Gómez-Carabali

Mónica Andrea Botero-Londoño



Tithonia diversifolia is arobust shrub that has high ecological plasticity and adaptability, high capacity of nutrient absorption and high nutrient contents. These characteristics make Tithonia diversifolia be considered as a multi-purpose plant, such as for animal feed, soil decontamination and soil restorer. Likewise, it is a plant with high ecological plasticity and adaptability. The study of the nutrient absorption and the fertilization represent an important advance in the development of productive systems focused on maximizing forage productivity, which guarantees the soil sustainability. Based on this, a split plot design was conducted to study the effects of different levels of fertilization. The results showed an impact of the elements and levels of fertilization on the nutrient absorption capacity, finding that the elements that were incorporated in the fertilization increase the foliar contents and the nutrient absorption in the plant.


fertilization, pastures and fodder, agroforestry systems.

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How to Cite
Botero-Londoño, J. M., Gómez-Carabali, A., & Botero-Londoño, M. A. (2019). Nutrient Absorption in Tithonia Diversifolia. Universitas Scientiarum, 24(1), 33–48.
Agriculture and Enthomology