Bacterial communities in sediments of an urban wetland in Bogota, Colombia
Urban wetlands are biodiversity reservoirs sustained by microbe-mediated processes. In tropical zones, wetland microbial dynamics remain poorly understood. Chemical parameters, heavy metal content, and microbiological community structure were investigated in surface sediments of the Santa Maria del Lago (SML) wetland in Bogota, Colombia. High-throughput sequencing was employed to generate RNAr 16S and nosZ gene sequence data with which bacteria, archaea, and nosZ-type denitrifier community composition and their phylogenetic relationships were investigated. A canonical correspondence analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between assessed environmental variables and microbial community composition. Results showed that the most abundant bacterial phyla were Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria (group GP18), and Aminicenantes; Archaea were represented by the taxa Methanomicrobia and Thermoprotei, and the nosZ community was dominated by Candidatus Competibacter denitrificans. A phylogenetic analysis revealed a high diversity of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs), according to 16S rRNA gene sequence data; however, the quantity and diversity of OTUs from the nosZ community were low compared to previous studies. High concentrations of ammonium, phosphorus, organic carbon, Pb, Fe, Zn, Cu, and Cd, were detected in sediments, but they were not strongly related to observed microbial community compositions. In conclusion, in the same polluted SML wetland sediments diverse bacteria and archaea communities were detected, although not nosZ-type denitrifiers.
metataxonomic, nosZ gene, pollution, urban wetlands
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