Is enrichment with inorganic and organic compounds feasible for improving the quality of vermicomposting using water hyacinth biomass?
In eutrophic environments, aquatic weeds reproduce rapidly, occupying extensive areas of the water body and preventing the multiple use of water resources. The use of the biomass of these plants in vermicomposting represents a sustainable alternative utilization of the excess biomass produced by eutrophication. The enrichment of macrophyte biomass during vermicomposting was tested using an inorganic solution (NPK 1.75 % and NPK 3.50 %) and an organic solution with glucose (0.25 g/L and 0.50 g/L) to improve the quality of the vermicompost. The consumption of biomass of the macrophytes by the Eisenia fetida increased as the vermicomposting progressed, reaching the highest values at the end of the experimental period. The control treatment, i.e., without earthworms, remained stable.
The electrical conductivity tended to increase for the treatments NPK 1.75 %, Glucose 0.25 g/L and Glucose 0.50 g/L. The pH of the vermicomposting tended to be neutral in all treatments. The control and inorganic treatments showed a reduction in macrophyte biomass and the number of individuals of Eisenia fetida. The additions of NPK and glucose slightly improved vermicompost quality and biomass consumption by the earthworms. However, using vermicompost alone does not meet the requirements for its use as a fertilizer. Thus, we suggest the use of vermicompost in association with other fertilizers, adding moisture and structuring the soil.
Eichhornia crassipes; Eisenia fetida; eutrophication; glucose; humification; mathematical modeling; nutrients.
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