Published Sep 15, 2014


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Yosely Briceño Velazco



A journal editorial is an essentially evaluative academic genre (Giannoni, 2006). Writers use this resource in order to be known in their community. We take as a basis the model of Hyland (2005) of position and commitment to analyze a corpus of journals of management. Texts totaled 8,288 words. Results indicate variations in expressions of position and commitment among the editorials analyzed. In a journal there is a tendency of intensification (5.55 per thousand words) and personal digressions (0.60 marks per thousand words). In another, there is attenuation (5.06 per thousand), intensification (11.46 per thousand) and pronouns referring the reader (1.68 per thousand). We conclude that Hyland’s model (2005) is useful for understanding the discursive purposes of journals and describe its functional and discursive taxonomy.


Disciplinary discourse, Academic discourse, Journal editorial, Evaluative language, Position and commitmentDiscurso disciplinar, Discurso académico, Editorial de revista, Linguagem avaliativo, Postura e compromissodiscurso disciplinar, discurso académico, editorial de revista, lenguaje evaluativo, postura y compromiso

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How to Cite
Briceño Velazco, Y. (2014). “Apparently You”: Position and Commitment in Two Venezuelan Journals of Management. Signo Y Pensamiento, 33(65), 84–102.