Published Jun 30, 2016


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Harold Castañeda-Peña

Magda Rodríguez-Uribe

Adriana Salazar-Sierra

Pedro Antonio Chala-Bejarano



This article reports results of a qualitative study which aimed to inquire about meaningful narratives of 184 students of a teaching degree in Modern Languages in  private university in Bogotá. The study intended to identify and characterise different aspects (linguistic, social, cognitive, pedagogic, emotional, or else) which pre-service teachers narrated as being meaningful for their learning once they finished their foreign language teaching practicum. Narrative events were collected through a self-evaluation instrument that was submitted by the students of different cohorts (I-2009 to II-2012) at the end of their teaching practicum. 


pre-service teachers, teaching practicum, pedagogical advisorprofesores en formación, práctica pedagógica, guía pedagógicoprofessores em formação, prática pedagógica, guia pedagógico

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How to Cite
Castañeda-Peña, H., Rodríguez-Uribe, M., Salazar-Sierra, A., & Chala-Bejarano, P. A. (2016). Narrative Events of Pre-Service Teachers at the End of their Teaching Practicum with Regard to their Pedagogical Advisor: Learnings Reported. Signo Y Pensamiento, 35(68), 52–64.

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