Published Jul 5, 2017


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Camilo Tamayo Gómez

Daniela Navarro Bohórquez



This research analyzes specific communicative citizenship actions by civil society; maneuvers developed in the middle of the struggle for the appropriation of public space in urban areas that have suffered high rates of violence in Medellin, Colombia. This research mainly investigates how diverse actions of communicative citizenships generate processes of collective memory construction, social inclusion, recognition of differences, and human rights claims by subordinate audiences in the public arena.

Based on the study of a particular case –the La Loma village case– we argue how the construction of memory narratives in urban public spaces located in contexts of armed conflict, sets up a scenario in which the different social actors, particularly victims, strive to re-signify their territory and transform the narratives of the present. In this way, they challenge, above all, versions of the past and power relationships around the construction of collective memory.


cidadanias comunicativas, ação coletiva, ressignificação do território, memoria coletiva, conflito armadociudadanías comunicativas, acción colectiva, resignificación del territorio, memoria colectiva, conflicto armadocommunicative citizenships, collective action, re-signification of territory, collective memory, armed conflict

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How to Cite
Tamayo Gómez, C., & Navarro Bohórquez, D. (2017). After the War: A Different Medellin. Communicative Citizenships, Urban Appropriation, and Resignifying Public Spaces in the Key of Memory and Post-conflict. Signo Y Pensamiento, 36(70), 54–73.