Published Dec 11, 2018


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Carlos Rico Troncoso



This article aims to provide a reflection on the way how the Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) has been understood in the processes of teaching a foreign language. To attain this goal, this text traces primarily what teaching a foreign language has been so far in the context of ELT [English Language Teaching]. This article then provides another reflection on what is implied when trying to bring the ICC into a foreign language teaching scenario. Finally, it provides an explanation on how to understand the ICC in the teaching of a foreign language through the lens of three concepts that are assumed in its definition: communication, language and culture.


Language, Communication, Culture, ELT, ICCLíngua, Comunicação, Cultura, ELT, CCILengua, Comunicación, Cultura, ELT, CCI

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How to Cite
Rico Troncoso, C. (2018). The Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) in the Contexts of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Signo Y Pensamiento, 37(72).