Published Dec 30, 2018


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María Cristina Otero Gómez

Claudio Fabián Centocchi

Wilson Giraldo Pérez



The objective of this article is to analyze the communication that is made of Villavicencio as an experiential tourist destination, oriented to the international segment through the web pages. A review of the literature has been made to understand how tourists interact with these pages and how the information contained in them contributes to satisfaction through the offer communicated. A mixed investigation was carried out, where, on the one hand, 156 surveys were applied, of which 33 were analyzed, corresponding to the tourists who resorted to the use of web pages and, on the other side, 15 web pages were examined. For the quantitative analysis SPSS software V18 was used and for the qualitative analysis, a semiotic approach. The results showed that despite the communication deficiencies, mainly in the official websites, the positive qualifications by the tourists prevail.


Communication, Tourism marketing, ImageComunicación, Marketing turístico, ImagenComunicação, Marketing turístico, Imagem

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How to Cite
Otero Gómez, M. C., Centocchi, C. F., & Giraldo Pérez, W. (2018). Communicating an Experiential Destination through Web Pages: Analysis of Villavicencio, Colombia. Signo Y Pensamiento, 37(73).