Published Dec 30, 2018


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Paola Alarcón Hernández

Claudio Díaz Larenas

Víctor Vásquez Bustos



The paper addresses an approach from Cognitive Linguistics to discourse analysis in the communication media. The aim of this qualitative research is to analyze the conceptual metaphors regarding public education in 2017 opinion columns from Chilean cybermedia. The findings show that metaphors allow the accurate conceptualization and characterization of the viewpoints exposed in the columns. Specifically, the analyzed conceptual metaphors evidence the complex nature of the concept of public education by means of the association with two source domains: loot and building through which certain characteristics and appraisals are highlighted. Likewise, both columns coincide on the fact that the current situation owes its cause to the policies of the Chilean estate, which is negatively characterized by the metaphoric attibutions of human features like cowardness.


Conceptual metaphor, Cognitive Linguistics, Opinion piece, Public education, Cyber-mediaMetáfora conceitual, Linguística Cognitiva, Coluna de opinião, Ensino público, CibermídiaMetáfora conceptual, Lingüística Cognitiva, Columna de opinión, Educación pública, Cibermedios

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How to Cite
Alarcón Hernández, P., Díaz Larenas, C., & Vásquez Bustos, V. (2018). An Analysis of Opinion Pieces according to the Conceptual Metaphor. Signo Y Pensamiento, 37(73).