Published Apr 15, 2011


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Mónica María Valle Flórez



This article deals with the socio-cultural construction with which, starting with the metaphor “a cluster is war,” the Textile/Garment, Design, and Fashion Cluster in Antioquia was worked out. Herein we show how the Cluster resulted from the way in which production was organized and then attempt to describe the methodology behind the process of interpreting metaphoric experiences. We portray the metaphors from which the aforementioned cluster was drawn: “market is war,” “to struggle for market share is fear,” “the fight is here and there,” “competition is huge, friendly, and important,” as well as the strategies and tactics used by the Cluster’s builders both to protect and fight for the market. This text makes part of the results of the doctoral research work done by the author on this particular Cluster.


Industrial Clusters, Cloting trade -- Antioquia (Colombia), Metaphorical analysis, Cluster, War as a metaphor, Socio-cultural construct.Clusters Industriales, Industria del vestido - Antioquia (Colombia), Análisis metafórico, Cluster, Guerra como metáfora, Construcción sociocultural.Clusters Industriais, Indústria do vestido - Antioquia (Colômbia), Análise metafórica, Cluster, Guerra como metáfora, Construção sociocultural.

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How to Cite
Valle Flórez, M. M. (2011). Metaphors of War in the SocioCultural Construction of the Textile/ Garment, Design, and Fashion Cluster in Antioquia. Signo Y Pensamiento, 30(58), 252–268.