Published Sep 15, 2010


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Luis Alfonso Ramírez Peña



Herein we present both practical and theoretical arguments to strengthen our belief that the world is experiencing a spate of crucial lack of communication in spite of all the technological advances. This condition is due, in good part, to the disregard in which the subject, in its singularity, is held when producing and interpreting communication acts coming whether from philosophy, language studies, communication research, hermeneutics, and/or scientific research methods. We support our proposition by examining some of the ways in which the newspaper El Tiempo signifies. With the polyphonic and wide contributions of several particular interlocutors, we put forward an alternative explanation of both discourse and the act of communication.


Communicación, Lack of communication, Hermeneutics, Discourse, Voice, Interpretation.Comunicación, Incomunicación, Hermenéutica, Discurso, Voz, Interpretación.Comunicação, Incomunicação, Hermenêutica, Discurso, Voz, Interpretação.

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How to Cite
Ramírez Peña, L. A. (2010). Shortcomings in the Communication and Interpretation: Discourse and Hermeneutics. Signo Y Pensamiento, 29(57), 66–82.

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