Published Sep 15, 2010


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Maria Immacolata Vasallo



The present text takes up the theme of the revision of national identity in the globalized world adopting two perspectives: the theoretical one, through the concept of "nation narratives" explored by Anderson, Appadurai, Bhabha, Bauman and others (Lopes, 2006) , and the epistemological-methodological work in "virtual communities" conformed by contemporary migratory movements. The confluence of these two perspectives is proposed in a methodological experience of incipient empirical research, which is the reception of the Brazilian telenovela in a particular and unprecedented space: the virtual community of Brazilians in Portugal. It is, therefore, a methodological exploration in the virtual space that has epistemological implications for research in general and for communication in particular.


Soap opera, Nation narratives, Virtual community, Virtual methodology.Telenovela, Narrativas de nación, Comunidad virtual, Metodología virtual.Telenovelas, Narrativas de naçao, Comunidade virtual, Metodología virtual.

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How to Cite
Immacolata Vasallo, M. (2010). The telenovela as narrative of the nation: For a methodological experience in a virtual community. Signo Y Pensamiento, 29(57), 130–141.