Published Sep 15, 2010


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Carolina Jaramillo Correa

Juliana Molina Ríos



Both the call for and the public’s answer to the marches of February 4 and March 6, 2008, as far as mobilizations in Colombia go, can be considered the two citizen mobilizations of biggest impact ever. Mass media were decisive actors in both spreading news of the marches and persuading the citizens either to join them or not. The research team of the project Press representations of the social mobilizations of February 4 and March 6, 2008, compiled the news of the marches published in three daily papers distributed nationwide: El Tiempo (the main national paper), El Colombiano (produced in the country’s region with the highest social mobilization’s rate), and the weekly Voz (which represents left-wing political sectors and is owned by the Communist party). 


Discourse analysis, Social representations, Social movements, Subjectivity.Análisis del discurso, Representaciones sociales, Movimientos sociales, Subjetividad.Análise do discurso, Representações sociais, Movimentos sociais, Subjetividade.

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How to Cite
Jaramillo Correa, C., & Molina Ríos, J. (2010). The Mobilizations of February 4th and March 6th, 2008: Reading Social Representations in the National Press Discourse. Signo Y Pensamiento, 29(57), 354–371.