Published Sep 15, 2010


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Nora Moscoloni

Sebastián Castro Rojas



This article discusses the ways in which technological devices and computer screens are consumed and appropriated by young newcomers to Universidad Nacional de Rosario (unr), in Argentina. We acknowledge that the young are who most use and consume the new digital media and technological devices such as the different display screens (cell phones, TVs, and PCs) and who, furthermore, access them both naturally and selectively in order to consume other digital products available through these same screens. Herein, we present the first results of a survey carried out among UNRs newcomers to the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations in 2008.


Consumption, Practices, Devices, Display screens, IT.Consumo, Práticas, Dispositivos, Telas, TIC.Consumo, Prácticas, Dispositivos, Pantallas, TIC.

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How to Cite
Moscoloni, N., & Castro Rojas, S. (2010). Consumption of Technological Devices: The Use of Display Screens by New Students at Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), Argentina. Signo Y Pensamiento, 29(57), 430–445.