Published Sep 15, 2010


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William Sánchez



It is not an exaggeration to point out that due to the dimension and complexity achieved, the phenomenon of internal displacement - that forced migration that legal and illegal armed groups have established in the country in their fratricidal struggle for territory - can be categorized for Colombia and the world as a "social and humanitarian tragedy".

Although very partial and incomplete, we have been aware of this sad and painful reality that we live through the information provided by the different media, social movements, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and government agencies of the municipal, departmental and national levels. Overwhelmed in its figures, its consequences and its limits, the phenomenon demands different perspectives for its approach, understanding, approach and attention.


Forced displacement, Memory, Citizenship, Resolution of the conflict.Desplazamiento forzado, Memoria, Ciudadanía, Resolución del conflicto.Deslocamento forçado, Memória, Cidadania, Resolução do conflito.

Quintero Mejía, M., Ramírez Giraldo, J. (2009). Desplazamiento forzado. Narraciones, memorias y ciudadanía. Bogotá: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas-Instituto para la Pedagogía, la Paz y el Conflicto Urbano (Ipazud).
How to Cite
Sánchez, W. (2010). Citizen memory as a way to resolve the conflict in Colombia. Signo Y Pensamiento, 29(57), 554–556.
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