Published Apr 15, 2010


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Carlos Eduardo Vasco Uribe



It seemed to us that the fanfares that announced the new millennium and the fireworks that greeted the twenty-first century were barely shutting down, when we were surprised by the awareness that a decade has gone by. Now we are surprised by the awareness that, beyond the very rich and varied everyday events, in the American university -which we always look at- and in the Colombian university -which the rest of society does not look at- it seems that in all that decade nothing new happened. And what about next decade?


University education, 21st century.Educación universitaria, Siglo XXI.Educação universitária, Século XXI.

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How to Cite
Vasco Uribe, C. E. (2010). Three theses on university education in the second decade of the 21st century. Signo Y Pensamiento, 29(56), 20–39.