Published Jun 24, 2020


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Hernán Alonso Jaramillo Fernández



Why the testimonial metaphor is important for a moral repair? What is a moral repair? In order to answer these questions and to understand the testimonial relevance of metaphoric function to symbolic and moral repair, this article presents the metaphor in the ordinary language of testimony as an aesthetic dissensus that has testimonial, reflexive and moral effects, in tension with a policy of memory. We do a descriptive and discursive analysis of the book collection derived from writing workshops De su puño y letra, directed by the journalist Patricia Nieto, to prove empirically the presence of metaphors in the testimonies and its part for construction of emotional community seen as a self-governing initiative of moral repair.


metáfora; reparación; memoria; estética; comunidad moral.metaphor; repair; memory; aesthetics; moral community.

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How to Cite
Jaramillo Fernández, H. A. (2020). The testimonial metaphor. Narration and moral reparation. Signo Y Pensamiento, 39(76).