Published Dec 28, 2020


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Ligia Ochoa Sierra

Alberto Cueva Lobelle



Linguistic complexity is a very interesting topic for linguists, AI researchers, teachers, and publishers. This article presents the state of the art in this research field. The information was searched in five databases and the methodology proposed by Petticrew and Roberts (2008) was used.

The results show four main findings: 1) the studies are ultimately of applied nature; 2) there are three research tendencies related to this topic: a) studies that assess complexity in different populations, b)  research that assesses the effect of complexity in the processes of textual comprehension and production, c) studies that deal with the difficulty of processing some structures; 3) linguistic complexity has been assessed basically according to syntactic and lexical criteria; 4) what renders a text more complex than other texts is related to such factors as quantity, familiarity, and text types. 


linguistic complexity; textual difficult; development of complexity; complex structures.complejidad lingüística; dificultad textual; desarrollo de la complejidad; estructuras complejas.

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How to Cite
Ochoa Sierra , L. . ., & Cueva Lobelle, A. . (2020). LINGUISTIC COMPLEXITY: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW. Signo Y Pensamiento, 39(77).