Published Jun 29, 2021


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María Dolores Brito Rhor

Grace Pamela Chachalo Carvajal

María Gabriela Murray Álvarez



The objective of this research was to analyze the credibility and purchase intention of consumers towards covered and uncovered advertising through an opinion leader. To measure both variables, an influencer ( and a fictitious product (VITAL FREE) were created. Credibility was assessed by consumers’ perception about the influencer's account when this one has 21,200 versus 2,100 followers. Purchase intention was evaluated through the exposure of VITAL FREE by in a covered and uncovered way. The results were that the account with more followers was considered sincere for the female gender and had greater influence on the lifestyle for people of 16 and 25 years. In addition, according to the exposure of the product by the influencer there was no purchase intention. Moreover, for higher levels of education this variable was negatively associated.


Credibility; Influence; Influence Marketing; Opinion Leader; Purchase IntentCredibilidad; Influencer; Intención de Compra; Líder de Opinión; Marketing de Influencia

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How to Cite
Brito Rhor, M. D. ., Chachalo Carvajal , G. P. ., & Murray Álvarez, M. G. . (2021). Influence marketing: analysis of credibility and purchase intention imparted by an opinion leader. Signo Y Pensamiento, 40(78).