Published Jun 22, 2022


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Journalistic infography for the daily press is informative and visual communication, which takes care of the most relevant aspects of a significant subject, by figurative means and abstract conventions. It has been understood that way at the beginning of the graphic technology, with several examples in the daily Spanish press of the most audience, to which the past and the present of the journalistic infography can be compared.

            To do so, we studied 711 infographics in 19sections of the newspapers ABC, El País [The Country], La Vanguardia [The Vanguard] and El Periódico [The Newspaper], from 1994 (the golden decade of Spanish infography) to 2018. We used a quantitative and qualitative method (Valero Sancho, 1999), regarding the amount of infographics, days of the week for their publication, formal characteristics (size, proportion and place in page) and typology described in the methodology.



infographics, typologic comparisonm, journalistic genre, journalism, pressinfografia, comparação tipológica, gênero jornalístico, jornalismo, imprensainfografía, comparación tipológica, género periodístico, periodismo, prensa

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How to Cite
CASTAÑEDA ZUMETA, A. . (2022). Spanish infography through time. A revision of infographics in the most relevant press (1994-2018). Signo Y Pensamiento, 40(79).