Published Sep 15, 2012


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Mar Guerrero



This paper analyzes transmedia practices within the context of female fiction in two television series: TV3- Televisió de Catalunya’s ‘Infidels’ and BBC’s ‘Mistresses’. The research combines semiotic and narratological approaches, useful for identifying and describing interpretative and narrative strategies that fit female fiction features or other works with a great range of characters and plot arcs. In addition, such strategies are helpful to reflect on fan-made productions, an increasing part of the transmedia ecosystem.


Narration (Rhetoric), Television and women, Television, Semiotics.Narración (Retórica), Televisión y mujeres, Televisión, Semiótica.Narração (Retórica), Televisão e mulheres, Televisão, Semiótica.

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How to Cite
Guerrero, M. (2012). The Tangled Web: Transmedia Storytelling in Female Fiction. The Case of Infidels and Mistresses. Signo Y Pensamiento, 31(61), 74–90.