Published Sep 15, 2012


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Andrea Guzmán López



This article presents the results of a research titled Stories and other miracles, developed with a group of 4th grade primary school children in Cali (Colombia). The children and their families came from different parts of the country due to, amongst other reasons, forced displacement derived from armed conflict. The project explored visual, spatial and written narratives of these children regarding their worldviews, fears and hopes. Their needs and expectations were then transformed into a fictional storybook called Blue (Azul). The experience emphasized the importance of including children in the processes of the search for alternative solutions to the humanitarian crisis through narratives.


Narration (Rhetoric), Collective memory, Children's literature, Story-telling.Narración (Retórica), Memoria colectiva, Literatura infantil, Narración de cuentos.Narração (Retórica), Lembrando, Literatura infantil, Storytelling

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How to Cite
Guzmán López, A. (2012). Between Reality and Children’s Poetic Imagination. Signo Y Pensamiento, 31(61), 92–107.