Published Sep 15, 2012


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Adriana J. Ordóñez Paz



In this book some facts are developed on the impacts of the politico-military conflict in the daily life and in the communicative tissues of the inhabitants of the Southwest of Colombia. It constitutes an important reference that deals with phenomena of violence on settlers who are in territories where the conflict does not stop. It highlights the threat and the permanent armed harassment to which civil society is subjected, which is torn between breaking relations and solidarity or strengthening them. The authors manage to combine the perspective of academic research with the experiences narrated by those who still remain in territories of war. Through these experiences, reference is made to the use of tools and modes of information and communication that they use as a novel support to create bonds and generate visibility on the problems that have not yet been solved.


Political and military conflict, Colombia.Conflicto político-militar, Colombia.Conflito político-militar, olômbia.

Torres, W., Quiñones, A., Castellanos, J.M., Correa, A. & Pachón, H. (2012). Para vencer el miedo. Respuestas a los impactos de la guerra en el centro y sur de Colombia entre 1980 y 2010. Ibagué, Tolima: Colciencias, Universidad del Tolima, Universidad Javeriana, Universidad Surcolombiana, Universidad de Caldas.
How to Cite
Ordóñez Paz, A. J. (2012). To overcome fear. Responses to the impacts of the war in central and southern Colombia between 1980 and 2010. Signo Y Pensamiento, 31(61), 194–196.
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