Published Apr 15, 2009

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Luis Miguel Martínez Cervantes



Since information society’s dawn, a steady process of digitization has been transforming our daily activities. These changes occur at such a speed that we are often prevented from reflecting on the origins, transcendence, and significance of the process. Also, and at the very same time that we articulate new digital spaces, the digital gap is broadening, and the possibilities to benefit from such information society, reduced. However, and again at the same time, we bridge the gap based on the convergence of both technologies and contents. In this paper we explore the relationship between the digital divide and convergence, both concepts in fact being literal samples of how to put information and communication technologies into good use in educational, cultural, health, and social issues.


Digital divide or gap, Digital convergence, Information technologies, Communication technologies, Digital cultureExclusão digital, Convergência digital, Tecnologias da informação, Tecnologias de comunicação, Cultura digitalBrecha digital, Convergencia digital, Tecnologías de la información, Tecnologías de la comunicación, Cultura digital

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How to Cite
Martínez Cervantes, L. M. (2009). Building Digital Bridges: Thoughts on Convergence. Signo Y Pensamiento, 28(54), 56–67. Retrieved from