Published Sep 15, 2007

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Adolfo Jarrín


Organizations play an increasingly strategic role in the search for sustainable development in today’s world. In this process, organizational culture is undergoing significant transformations that reveal the need for a balance between ecological and human issues; this implies a constant awareness that goes far beyond consumption or richness indicators, and that fosters the development and strengthening of the common good. This means that the concept of corporate citizenship is clearly understood, and that organizations are considered as human systems and not as moneymaking machines. In this context, the search for new paradigms of corporate management that reach a balance between science and social awareness becomes strategic.

Cultura organizacional, Paradigmas, Gestiónorganizational cultur, aradigms, management, social awareness, human issues.

How to Cite
Jarrín, A. (2007). Organizational culture. Signo Y Pensamiento, 26(51), 160–167. Retrieved from