Published Mar 15, 2021

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Italo Pizzolante Negrón


In the present milieu characterized by strong competitiveness, companies and organizations are invited to move ahead not only to adapt to the context but also to participate in and to shape it. Therefore, a new management model based on confidence building and a good reputation becomes necessary; that is, “The Challenge of Shaping”

Environment, Corporate social responsibility, CSR, modeling, communication, management model, social inclusionMeio ambiente, responsabilidade social corporativa, modelagem, comunicação, modelo de gestão, inclusão socialEntorno, Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, modelar, comunicación, modelo de gestión, inclusion social

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How to Cite
Pizzolante Negrón, I. (2021). Adapting to the New Context of Companies or Facing the Challenge of Shaping it?. Signo Y Pensamiento, 26(51), 168–178. Retrieved from (Original work published September 15, 2007)