Published Apr 3, 2021

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Orlando Gregorio Chaviano



A theoretic-conceptual and historical analysis of the metric disciplines was carried out taking into account also its main concepts and applications aimed to provide data about its appearance, historical evolution and current importance for the taking of decisions
and policy formulation. The obtained data of the bibliometric analysis carried out to the Journal Signo y
Pensamiento was presented during the period of 1982-2006. The journal is edited by the Communication Department of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.


Bibliometría, Informetría, Cienciometría, Publicaciones Periódicasbibliometric, informetric, scientometric, serials publications.bibliometria, informetria, cienciometria, publicação de jornais

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How to Cite
Gregorio Chaviano, O. (2021). Bibliometric and Quality Analyses of the Journal Signo y Pensamiento (1982-2006). Signo Y Pensamiento, 25(50), 22–32. Retrieved from (Original work published April 15, 2007)