Published Aug 24, 2021

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Jesús Martín-Barbero


The transits and transformations of art, as from the second half of the 20th Century, have generated a new dynamic for the relationships between tradition and modernity, globalization and fragmentation of the public, standardization and aesthetic innovation, rationalization and experimentation, cultural forms and industrial formats; at the same time, they have also highlighted the cultural value of technological transformations. This article considers the death and reincarnation of art. In this new art, exchanges speed up thus producing the ‘in-materialization’ of space and the compression of time, leading also to the banality of aesthetics, the convergence of rationality and narrative, the impoverishment of the aesthetic experience. Art is nowadays embedded in the culture but the boundaries of common culture have been blurred and the meaning of art itself is being questioned. However, as an opening to the issue, it is shown that the reading keys of the new friction points are closely related to the original art-communicationdesign scheme.

art, aesthetic, communication, cultural industriesArte, Estética, Comunicación, Industrias culturales arte, estético, comunicação, indústrias cultural

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How to Cite
Martín-Barbero, J. (2021). Aesthetics in communication. Signo Y Pensamiento, 25(49), 36–45. Retrieved from (Original work published September 15, 2006)

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