Published Apr 15, 2013


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José Raúl Gallego Ramos



The article analyzes the relationship between the national public agenda, its media representation in the correspondence section ‘Letters to the Direction’ of the newspaper Granma and the national media agenda of the newspaper, during October and November 2009. Through the implementation of techniques and methods such as the Spearman Rho correlation coefficient, participant observation, in-depth interviews and content analysis, we evidenced the poor treatment of the objects and attributes of the public agenda in the media agenda of the newspaper Granma, and we present an analysis of the factors and actors playing against a favorable relationship between these agendas. The study is the first of its kind in Cuba and proposes a new methodology for studying the relationship between agendas, which integrates quantitative and qualitative aspects, and the mediations involved in the process.


Public agenda, Media Agenda, Granma Newspaper, Mediations, Cuba.Agenda pública, Agenda mediática, Jornal Granma, Mediações, Cuba.Agenda pública, Agenda mediática, Mediaciones, Cuba.

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How to Cite
Gallego Ramos, J. R. (2013). The Cards on the Table. A study on the Relationship between media and public agendas in Cuba: The Granma Case. Signo Y Pensamiento, 32(62), 98–113.