Publicado Sep 15, 2009

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Rafael Capurro



Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar o estado atual da pesquisa sobre ética intercultural da informação (EII), incluindo tanto os debates fundamentais sobre o tema, quanto as discussões específicas que podem mostrar novas formas de abordar a pesquisa e a prática nesse campo. O atual debate sobre EII enfoca uma visão reducionista desse campo e deixa de fora estudos comparativos com mídias não digitais e com outras eras e culturas. O tema da privacidade recebe um tratamento especial, mas a agenda também inclui outras, como comunidades on-line, governança, questões de gênero, telefonia móvel, atendimento médico e a exclusão digital.


Culture, Information management, Ethics, PrivacyCultura, Informação, Administração, Ética, PrivacidadeCultura, Información, Administración, Ética, Privacidad

Baier, Karl (2006). Welterschliessung durch Grundstimmungen als Problem interkultureller Phaenomenologie. Daseinsanalyse (22), 99-109.

Bynum, Terrell Ward (2006). Flourishing Ethics. Ethics and Information Technology, 8: 157-173.

Capurro, Rafael (2007). Intercultural Information Ethics. In: Capurro, Rafael / Frühbauer, Johannes / Hausmanninger, Thomas (Eds.): Localizing the Internet. Ethical aspects in intercultural perspective. Munich: Fink, 21-38. Online: http://www.

Capurro, Rafael (2006a). Ethik der Informationsgesellschaft. Ein interkultureller Versuch. Online: html (accessed on April 21, 2008).

Capurro, Rafael (2005a). Privacy. An intercultural perspective. In Ethics and Information Technology 7: 37-47. Online: http://www.capurro. de/privacy.html

Capurro, Rafael / Frühbauer, Johannes / Hausmanninger, Thomas (Eds.) (2007). Localizing the Internet. Ethical aspects in intercultural perspective. Munich: Fink.

Damasio, Antonio (1994). Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. Putnam Publishing.

Ess, Charles (2007). Can the Local Reshape the Global? Ethical Imperatives for Humane Intercultural Communication Online”. In Capurro, Rafael / Frühbauer, Johannes / Hausmanninger, Thomas (Eds.) (2007). Localizing the Internet. Ethical aspects in intercultural perspective. Munich: Fink, 153-169.

Ess, Charles (2006). Ethical pluralism and global information ethics. In Ethics and Information Technology 8:215-226.

Floridi, Luciano / Savulescu, Julian (2006). Information ethics: Agents, artefacts and new cultural perspectives. Ethics and Information Technology 8: 155-156.

Foucault, Michel (1983). Discourse and Truth: the Problematization of Parrhesia. University of California at Berkeley, October-November 1983. Online: parrhesia/ (Accessed on April 21, 2008).

Frohmann, Bernd (2007). Foucault, Deleuze, and the Ethics of Digital Networks. In Capurro, Rafael / Frühbauer, Johannes / Hausmanninger, Thomas (Eds.) (2007). Localizing the Internet. Ethical aspects in intercultural perspective. Munich: Fink, 57-68.

Grodzinsky, Frances S. / Tavani, Herman T. (2007). The Internet and Community Building at the Local and Global Levels: Some Implications and Challenges. I. Capurro, Rafael / Frühbauer, Johannes / Hausmanninger, Thomas (Eds.): Localizing the Internet. Ethical aspects in intercultural perspective. Munich: Fink, 135-149.

Heidegger, Martin (1987). Being and Time. Translated by John Macquarrie & Edward Robinson, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Hiruta, Kei (2006). What pluralism, why pluralism, and how? A response to Charles Ess. Ethics and Information Technology 8: 227-236.

Hongladarom, Soraj (2007). Analysis and Justification of Privacy from a Buddhist Perspective. In Hongladarom, Soraj / Ess, Charles (Eds.): Information Technology Ethics: Cultural Perspectives. Hershey, Pennsylvania: Idea Group, 108-122.

Hongladarom, Soraj / Ess, Charles (Eds.) (2007). Information Technology Ethics: Cultural Perspectives. Hershey, Pennsylvania: Idea Group.

Hongladarom, Soraj / Ess, Charles (2007a): Preface. In: ibid.: Information Technology Ethics: Cultural Perspectives. Hershey, Pennsylvania: Idea Group, xi-xxxiii.

Hongladarom, Soraj (2001). Cultures and Global Justice. Online: (Accessed on April 21, 2008).

International Review of Information Ethics (irie) (2004). International ICIE Symposium. Online: (Accessed on April 21, 2008).

Kitiyadisai, Krisana (2005). Privacy rights and protection: foreign values in modern Thai context. In Ethics and Information Technology 7: 17-26.

Lü, Yao-huai (2007). Globalization and Informatioan Ethics. In Capurro, Rafael / Frühbauer, Johannes / Hausmanninger, Thomas (Eds.): Localizing the Internet. Ethical aspects in intercultural perspective. Munich: Fink, 69-73.

Lü, Yao-huai (2005). Privacy and data privacy in contemporary China. In Ethics and Information Technology, 7: 7-15.

Nishigaki, Toru and Takenouchi, Tadashi (eds.) (2007): The Thought of Information Ethics. Tokyo: Communis 05 (in Japanese).

Nakada, Makoto (2007). The Internet within Seken as an old and indigenous world of meanings in Japan”. In Capurro, Rafael / Frühbauer, Johannes / Hausmanninger, Thomas (Eds.): Localizing the Internet. Ethical aspects in intercultural perspective. Munich: Fink, 177-203.

Nakada, Makoto / Tamura, Takanori (2005). Japanese conceptions of privacy: An intercultural perspective. In Ethics and Information Technology 7: 27-36.

Nishigaki, Toru (2006). The ethics in Japanese information society: Consideration on Francisco Varela’s The Embodied Mind from the perspective of fundamental informatics. Ethics and Information Technology, 8:237-242.

Rhee, Wonil (2007). The creative time of thermocline. Conflicts between and Becomings of different Time-spaces. In “Thermocline of Art. New Asian Waves” at the Center for Art and Media (Karlsruhe, Germany) Online: (Accessed on April 21, 2008).

Sontag, Susan (2004). Die Welt als Indien. In Lettre International, September, Vol. 65, 82-86.

Walzer, Michael (1994). Thick and Thin: Moral Arguments at Home and Abroad. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.

Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1989). Vortrag über Ethik. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp.

Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1984). Zu Heidegger. In: B.F. McGuiness (Ed.): Ludwig Wittgenstein und der Wiener Kreis. Gespräche, aufgezeichnet von Friedrich Waismann. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp.
Como Citar
Capurro, R. (2009). Ética intercultural da informação: Fundamentos e aplicações. Signo Y Pensamiento, 28(55), 66–79. Recuperado de