Published Jan 16, 2020


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Nelson Mafla Terán

Edith González Bernal

José Santos Torres Muñoz



Meister Eckhart introduces the teaching of the “union in God” by appealing to the model of divine pedagogy that appears in the Bible, particularly in the teachings of Jesus. This model presents three elements: the use of the analogical interpretation that bridges the gap between the obvious and the hidden meaning: sayings and parables start from everyday life and refer to the transcendent; the mysterious relationship between God and creatures under the symbol of the righteous business: God in us and us in God; the dialogue with God that leads to interior knowledge: the best way to approach God and to know ourselves. Therefore, divine pedagogy moves us from the obvious to the mysterious, from the mere idea of God to the experience of union in him from the devotional monologue to the spiritual dialogue.


Union in God, Pedagogy, Detachment, human conditionUnión en Dios, pedagogía, desasimiento, condición humana

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How to Cite
Mafla Terán, N., González Bernal, E., & Torres Muñoz, J. S. (2020). Pedagogical strokes of Master Eckhart in Leading of the Human Being towards Union in God. Theologica Xaveriana, 70.