Published Dec 30, 2005

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María Clara Lucchetti Bingemer



The present article intends to offer a theological-spiritual reflection on the theme of Christian discipleship. The method is that of studying key biblical texts that describe the discipleship, beginning with the Old Testament and ending in the novelty of Jesus Christ and his good news. Then it searches to emphasize the consequences of that discipleship regarding its communitarian, ecclesial, and missionary exigencies. It concludes with some topics that characterize the Christian discipleship of today in Latin America.


Christology, discipleship, Christian life, love, followingCristología, discipulado, vida cristiana, amor, seguimiento

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How to Cite
Lucchetti Bingemer, M. C. (2005). Disciples of Jesus today Biblical foundations for a theological hermeneutics. Theologica Xaveriana, (156). Retrieved from