Published Jul 11, 2010

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Camilo Ernesto Lozano Rivera


This paper shuffles together several reflections which were wrung out of a specific ethnographic approach, staged on a street at the Manizales’ historical center (Colombia). Through it, the ethnographer’s experience on the field is shown as a journey of “walking” on the street, so that it provides the grounds to impinge upon current problematic notions in anthropology, such as reflexivity, the social significance of massive flow spaces and methodological questions, and the practices such ethnographic situations demand.

ethnography, urbanaut, reflexivity, writingEtnografía, urbanauta, reflexividad, escrituraEtnografia, urbanauta, refletividade, escritura

How to Cite
Lozano Rivera, C. E. (2010). The world and its version are two corners in the same block: theoretical-practical reflections about floating on a street and writing an ethnography about it. Universitas Humanística, 70(70). Retrieved from
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