Consejos comunales and hostages: Reflections on the notion of cultural inimacy and the construction of national stereotypes in Colombia
This text aims to reflect on community councils, established during Álvaro Uribe Vélez (Colombia current president)’s first period in office (2002-2006⁄2006-2010). I intend to understand these councils as the arenas where Herzfeld’s cultural intimacy notion (1997) is prone to be evaluated, concerning the existence of areas of cultural sensitivity and creativity, within which some sort of essencialization events strategically reproducing national stereotypes. I intend to show the existence of a cultural intimacy, instrumental when it comes to understand the role of political rhetoric to create social relations within the still efficient boundaries at the Nation-state pattern.
consejos comunales, estereótipos nacionais, antropologia política, intimidade culturalconsejos comunales, estereótipos nacionais, antropologia política, intimidade culturalconsejos comunales, national stereotypes, political anthropology, cultural intimacy
How to Cite
Monroy-Álvarez, S. (2009). Consejos comunales and hostages: Reflections on the notion of cultural inimacy and the construction of national stereotypes in Colombia. Universitas Humanística, 67(67). Retrieved from
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