Published Dec 1, 2009

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Eloísa Lamilla Guerrero


Through an ethnographic analysis of Central Cemetery in the city of Neiva (Huila), this text proposes to exemplify how cemeteries are privileged settings for the embodiment, organization and resignification of the manifold memories Neivan society collectively build and imagine in order to represent themselves in a dispute for identities and remembrance. They mirror what they are, have been, and aim at being. Those memories may be traced through the battle of signs, the persistence of hegemonies, the nation’s narrative, the bipartisan imprint, tenacity and the horror of the armed conflict, popular claims, the desire for a miracle, the vindication of affection, resistance, regional identity, the ephemeral, the transcendent and oblivion

Cementerio de Neiva, múltiples memorias, organización espacial, práctica popularCemitério de Neiva, múltiplas memórias, organização espacial, prática popularNeiva Cemetery, manifold memories, spatial organization, popular practice

How to Cite
Lamilla Guerrero, E. (2009). Central Cemetery in Neiva (Huila): The setting where manifold memories are activated, reinterpreted and disputed. Universitas Humanística, 72(72). Retrieved from