Published Dec 1, 2020


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Diego Andrés Escamilla Márquez



The text seeks to approach two positions with which Marxism has understood the religious phenomenon: the first, false consciousness, and the second, utopian consciousness. The first of these positions was developed by the early Marxists and is now widely supported. This position is characterized by understanding religion, fundamentally, as "opium of the people." The second position, developed by Bloch and Dussel, does not deny the suprastructural character of religion, but claims its liberating role, when it emerges as a form of consciousness of the oppressed from below, that is, infrastructurally. The conclusion of the article is to understand the dialectical character of the religious phenomenon, criticizing the first position but not denying it, and inviting to study religion from historical materialism and to develop the economic-political critique of religion outlined by Marx, in order to understand more fully the complexity of capitalism.


religión, conciencia, marxismo, capitalismoreligion, conscience, Marxism, capitalismreligião, consciência, marxismo, capitalismo

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How to Cite
Escamilla Márquez, D. A. (2020). Marxism and Religion: Between Alienation and Liberation. An Approach to Religion as a (Contradictory) Form of Conscience. Universitas Humanística, 90.